Climate change and health – Opportunities for health professional action

Comparison of 3D biomechanical analysis of amputee gait and a mechanical test bench simulation


Covid-19 og hjúkrun

Cyanide as a public health issue: Mechanistic approach with water soluble α-amino-acid complexes of molybdenum

Cytotoxicity of β-Cyclodextrins in Retinal Explants for Intravitreal Drug Formulations

Deep serum proteomics for prognostic modeling of heart failure risk

Design of Experiments for Optimization of UPLC-MS/MS Assay – get it right from the beginning

Design, fabrication and mechanical properties of 3D printed polylactic acid scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Designing 3D printed patch for hand osteoarthritis

Detailed multiplex analysis of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies in COVID-19 disease

Determining causal proteins for myocardial infarction via Mendelian randomization

Development and Testing of Novel Pediatric Dosage Forms

Development of a specialized mouse model to test postnatal malleability in Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome

Development of production process for N,N,N-trimethylchitosan

Did we have enough evidence to describe galantamine as an allosteric modulator of nicotinic receptors?

Dietary fish oil induces recruitment of differentiated NK cells and enhances resolution of antigen-induced peritonitis

Diminished early regulatory differentiation by the adjuvant LT-K63 promotes B-cell germinal center commitment through enhanced-IL-21R-expression

Does SETDB2 play a part in generating the MITFlow transcriptional cell state in melanoma?

Drug development of the phenazine 5,10-dioxide natural products iodinin and myxin into antileukemic candidates

FAM118A a candidate gene for a new syndrome of mild developmental delay, distal arthrogryposis, exostosis of manubrium sterni, missing adult teeth, and amblyopia

Faraldsfræði bylta hjá einstaklingum með öryggishnapp

Félagsleg áföll

Fjarvistir vegna skammtímaveikinda starfsfólks hjúkrunar í heilbrigðisþjónustu: Lýsandi rannsókn

Flugeldaslys á höfuðborgarsvæðinu 2010-2022 – Komur á bráðamóttöku Landspítala vegna flugelda á 12 ára tímabili

Fyrirbyggjandi bólusetning gegn sumarexemi minnkar næmi gegn ofnæmisvökunum í ofnæmisprófi

Geislaálag íslenskra flugáhafna – fræðsla, þekking og geislun á meðgöngu

Genatjáning í brjóstastofnfrumulínum í tví- og þrívíðri ræktun

Grunnhimnubreytingar í heilaæðum sjúklinga með arfgenga heilablæðingu og Alzheimer með CAA

Heilsutengdar upplýsingar: Reynsla og þarfir eldra fólks á stjálbýlum svæðum

Herbal exploitation of usnic acid-containing lichens

Hermikennsla í sýndarveruleika

Höfuðverkar á Íslandi 2010 – 2011

How Does Aging Affect Microglia and OPCs?

Hrumleiki og skurð útkomur aldraðra aðgerðarsjúklinga: Framsýn forrannsókn


Implementation of a UPLC-MS/MS-Based Plasma Assay for Therapeutic Monitoring in Patients with APRT Deficiency

Implementation of Clinical Mass Spectrometry in Iceland

In vitro líkan til að rannsaka tazaróten til meðferðar á handarslitgigt

Induction of a resolution of inflammation phenotype in human natural killer cells

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