Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna
Háskóla Íslands 2023


Hópur B

The adjuvants mmCT and dmLT enhance antibody responses and promote dose sparing of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in a neonatal mouse model

Epitrancriptomic regulation of RNF168 mRNA Export through known demethylases FTO and ALKBH3.

BRCA1 mótefnalitun í tenglsum við undirhópa brjóstakrabbameins og lifun.

Genatjáning í brjóstastofnfrumulínum í tví- og þrívíðri ræktun

Preparation and characterization of magnetic PLA-HA/Fe3O4 nanoparticles for paclitaxel delivery into breast cancer cells

Analyzing Learning-Evoked Myelination

How Does Aging Affect Microglia and OPCs?

ALKBH3 and FTO: New epitranscriptomic regulators of DNA double strand break response

Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells in three-dimensional cultures for osteoarthritis research

Elucidating functionally important CpG sites in Neurodevelopmental Disorders via systematic knockout of EM genes


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