Tími: 13:30-14:30
- Málstofa: Taugavísindi 2024
Investigating Mitf’s role in in the regulation of neural activity in murine olfactory bulb
- Salur: B
- Málstofa: Public health
Association Between Workplace Sexual Violence and Psychotropic and Analgesic Medication Use Among Icelandic Women
- Salur: A
- Málstofa: Taugavísindi 2024
Mitf is required for molecular signature of middle tufted cells in the olfactory bulb
- Salur: B
- Málstofa: Public health
Prevalence of self-reported extremity pain in schoolchildren: A study of sociodemographic differences
- Salur: A
- Málstofa: Public health
An infant diet score associations with body size and demographic factors – The ICE-MCH study
- Salur: A
- Málstofa: Public health
“Eat healthy, exercise, and think about social health.” A focus group study on adolescents’ health.
- Salur: A
Staðlaðir sjúklingar í viðtalstækni
- Salur: H
Hermikrákur (samráðshópur um færni- og hermikennslu innan heilbrigðisvísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands)
- Salur: H