Staðsetning: B

Mitf is required for molecular signature of middle tufted cells in the olfactory bulb

Absence of meningeal mast cells in the Mitf mutant mouse

Role of Mitf in antiviral responses in mast cells

Investigating Mitf’s role in in the regulation of neural activity in murine olfactory bulb

Electrophysiological assessment of inner retinal function in mice with mutations in the Mitf gene

Pontin and Reptin: New players in the cellular machinery of motor neurons

Of mothers and microbes: Skyr-making as a symbiotic practice

Aðlögun að gerjuðu og súrsuðu mataræði

Áhrif gerjaðra matvæla og bætiefna úr broddmjólk á upplifða streitu, þarmaflóru og bólguþætti í blóði – slembuð samanburðarransókn

Áhrif súrdeigsbakara og umhverfis á örverusamsetningu súrdeigsmóður

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