Flokkur: Rannsóknatengd nýsköpun

Synthesis of advanced optical materials for sensors in medical equipment

Adding another dimension to history effects in vision: Positive serial dependence effects in Virtual Reality

Lexical typicality effects in deaf and hard-of-hearing students

Súrefnisbúskapur sjónhimnu í sykursýki og æðalokunum

Effect of acidic counterion on the increase of aqueous solubility of dovitinib

Comparison of 3D biomechanical analysis of amputee gait and a mechanical test bench simulation

Heilsuefling og heilsufarsmælingar á tímum Covid-19

The development of organized foraging

Skert svefngæði íslenskra kvenna og tengdir áhættuþættir: Ferilrannsókn á landsvísu

Design, fabrication and mechanical properties of 3D printed polylactic acid scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

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