Málstofa: Movement Science
- Málstofa: Movement Science
Perceptions and biomechanical effects of varying prosthetic foot stiffness: a case series
- Salur: I
- Málstofa: Movement Science
Sex-dependent differences in hip muscle strength and activation in young athletes – influence on functional task performance.
- Salur: I
- Málstofa: Movement Science
Is ultrasound ultra-reliable? An inter-rater reliability study of Achilles tendon thickness measurements
- Salur: I
- Málstofa: Movement Science
Tengsl á milli styrks og afls í neðri útlimum og bol og axlarmeiðsla hjá íslenskum handknattleiksmönnum
- Salur: I
- Málstofa: Movement Science
Sex-dependent differences on knee sagittal angle during drop jump and cutting maneuver: A prospective study
- Salur: I