Tími: 14:45-15:30

Pontin and Reptin: New players in the cellular machinery of motor neurons

Consequences of focal white matter damage on neuronal circuit function

Electrophysiological assessment of inner retinal function in mice with mutations in the Mitf gene

School-Based Universal Mental Health Literacy Curricula for K-12 Education: Preliminary Results of a Scoping Review

A novel ACL risk factor: The knee abduction „early peak“ waveform

Screening tool for sleep quality

Að efla kennsluþróun og starfssamfélag kennara með gagnreyndum aðferðum byggðum á þarfagreiningu

Assessing the clinical learning environment of healthcare students: Preliminary results from UCEEM-IS

The reason why healthcare practitioners should be using the Teach-Back Method

„Mitt örugga rými.“ Reynsla kvenna af fæðingum án fagaðila á Íslandi: Fyrirbærafræðileg rannsókn

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