Tími: 14:45-15:30

Electrophysiological assessment of inner retinal function in mice with mutations in the Mitf gene

Pontin and Reptin: New players in the cellular machinery of motor neurons

Consequences of focal white matter damage on neuronal circuit function

School-Based Universal Mental Health Literacy Curricula for K-12 Education: Preliminary Results of a Scoping Review

A novel ACL risk factor: The knee abduction „early peak“ waveform

Screening tool for sleep quality

Að efla kennsluþróun og starfssamfélag kennara með gagnreyndum aðferðum byggðum á þarfagreiningu

Assessing the clinical learning environment of healthcare students: Preliminary results from UCEEM-IS

The reason why healthcare practitioners should be using the Teach-Back Method

Hvaða þættir tengjast því hvort konur séu með barn sitt eingöngu á brjósti mánuði eftir fæðingu? Þversniðsrannsókn meðal kvenna á Íslandi

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