Staðsetning: I

Gestafyrirlestur fyrir vísindafólk

Evaluating the Relationship between Molecular Weight Reduction and Antibacterial Activity in Chitosan

Identification of novel therapeutic targets for Kabuki syndrome using CRISPR-Cas9 Forward Screening.

A strategy to identify functionally relevant DNA methylation abnormalities in neurons

Maintaining redox balance during embryogenesis: A novel strategy to prevent developmental defects in Kabuki syndrome?

Enantiomer Specific Analysis of Amphetamines in Iceland: Seized Drugs and Blood from Impaired Drivers.

Exploring the effects of macrolides on bronchial epithelial barrier and cellular differentiation

Deep brain segmentation for MRI using region-based convolutional neural networks

Analysis of bioactive glycosides in Icelandic Arctic roots (Rhodiola rosea)

CRAMP-18 Peptide Conjugated to Chitosan via Click Reaction: Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties

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