Category: Lífeindafræði

Styrkur fólats í blóði barnshafandi kvenna og almennu þýði kvenna á aldrinum 20-40 ára

A novel mouse and neuronal model to mechanistically test hypothesis in Kabuki syndrome

Role of MITF during melanocyte development as determined by a conditional mutation

Interplay between TGFβ family members and angiogenic factors in breast cancer cells

Hefur tjáning á PLK1 í brjóstakrabbameinsvef áhrif á sjúkdómsháða lifun?

Molecular regulators of catecholamine response in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells

p62/SQSTM1-droplet serves as a platform for autophagosome formation and anti-oxidative stress response

Objective measures of performance with implications to inform the iterative design process of prosthetic feet

Role of Rhox genes in primordial germ cell specification

New function of ATG7

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