Category: Krabbamein

A region of ATG7 evolved in early vertebrates and might account for a new function

Peroxidasin: A novel breast cancer prognosis marker?

Upplýsingagjöf varðandi lífshætti og aðstoð til einstaklinga í krabbameinsmeðferð

The role of IDRs in the pioneer transcription factor PU.1

Elucidating the mechanism of chromatin remodelling by the pioneer transcription factor Sox2

Þróun örvefjalíkana úr Briskrabbameini og notkun þeirra sem módel fyrir notkun PARP hindra í meðferð

Interplay between TGFβ family members and angiogenic factors in breast cancer cells

Hefur tjáning á PLK1 í brjóstakrabbameinsvef áhrif á sjúkdómsháða lifun?

The role of the autophagy protein ATG7 in blood

Psychological Distress among Cancer Patients before and during the COVID -19 Pandemic

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