Tími: 11:10-11:50

The adjuvants mmCT and dmLT enhance antibody responses and promote dose sparing of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in a neonatal mouse model

BRCA1 mótefnalitun í tenglsum við undirhópa brjóstakrabbameins og lifun.

Genatjáning í brjóstastofnfrumulínum í tví- og þrívíðri ræktun

Respectful Maternity Care in Nordic Home Birth: A Narrative Analysis

Preparation and characterization of magnetic PLA-HA/Fe3O4 nanoparticles for paclitaxel delivery into breast cancer cells

„Það besta úr báðum heimum“ Viðhorf ljósmæðra í fæðingarþjónustu til notkunar ómtækja við mat á framgangi fæðingar: Eigindleg rannsókn

Anxiety and mood disorders, and history of self-harm and suicide attempts, in women with ADHD and cardiometabolic conditions: A population-based study.

Nursing Students’ Perception Of Family Importance In Nursing Care During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Fjarvistir vegna skammtímaveikinda starfsfólks hjúkrunar í heilbrigðisþjónustu: Lýsandi rannsókn

The experience of pregnant women with substance-use disorder of prenatal care. A qualitative systematic review

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