Tími: 11:10-11:50
- Málstofa: Hópur A
Fjarvistir vegna skammtímaveikinda starfsfólks hjúkrunar í heilbrigðisþjónustu: Lýsandi rannsókn
- Málstofa: Hópur A
The experience of pregnant women with substance-use disorder of prenatal care. A qualitative systematic review
- Málstofa: Hópur A
Reviewing birth experience post-partum in primary health care clinics: A study protocol of a feasibilty study
- Málstofa: Hópur A
Psychometric properties of the Icelandic translation of the Childbirth Experience Questonnaire 2.0
- Málstofa: Hópur B
ALKBH3 and FTO: New epitranscriptomic regulators of DNA double strand break response
- Málstofa: Hópur B
Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells in three-dimensional cultures for osteoarthritis research
- Málstofa: Hópur B