Tími: 11:00-11:15

Developing dry powder self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems containing antibacterial monoglycerides

Development of N-(2-(N,N,N-Trimethylammoniumyl)acetyl)-chitosan synthesis and its application at forming Chitosan-based nanoparticles for antimicrobial drug delivery

Environmentally friendly activation of silicone surfaces and antimicrobial coating with chitosan biopolymer

Optimization of extracellular vesicle isolation using CD81 immunoaffinity capture

Dose sparing effects of mmCT, dmLT and alum on two different vaccines in neonatal mice

Lífupplýsingafræðileg leit að genum sem taka þátt í kælisvari spendýrafruma

A multiomics approach to elucidate the mild hypothermia response

An in vitro model of hand osteoarthritis: Method development for transportation and isolation of primary chondrocytes

Abnormalities of the neuro-gliogenic switch in Mendelian disorders of the epigenetic machinery

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