Höfundar: Kristin Briem
- Seminar: Movement Sciences
A hybrid controller integrating finite-state impedance and electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal model for robotic active ankle prostheses
- Salur: B
- Seminar: Movement Sciences
Decrease in the yearly incidence of whiplash injury diagnosis. Analysis of data from 2010-2023
- Salur: B
- Seminar: Movement Sciences
A hybrid controller integrating finite-state impedance and electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal model for robotic active ankle prostheses
- Salur: B
- Seminar: Movement Sciences
Decrease in the yearly incidence of whiplash injury diagnosis. Analysis of data from 2010-2023
- Salur: B
- Seminar: Movement Science
Sex-dependent differences on knee sagittal angle during drop jump and cutting maneuver: A prospective study
- Salur: I
- Seminar: Movement Science
Perceptions and biomechanical effects of varying prosthetic foot stiffness: a case series
- Salur: I
- Seminar: Movement Science
Sex-dependent differences in hip muscle strength and activation in young athletes – influence on functional task performance.
- Salur: I
Áhrif heilahristings á hreyfistjórn í hálsi hjá íþróttakonum
- Salur: A
Kynbundinn munur á hreyfistjórn í hálsi í kjölfar hálsáverka
- Salur: A