Category: Sameindalíffræði

Bóluefni gegn sumarexemi í hestum – áskorunartilraun

Peroxidasin: A novel breast cancer prognosis marker?

Pilarowski-Björnsson Syndrome is a sexually dimorphic trait

Samanburður á erfðamengjum íslenskra nýrnaveikibakteríustofna við stofna sem hafa greinst í Norður-Ameríku og Evrópu

Dietary fish oil induces recruitment of differentiated NK cells and enhances resolution of antigen-induced peritonitis

Long noncoding RNAs in pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

A novel mouse and neuronal model to mechanistically test hypothesis in Kabuki syndrome

The role of IDRs in the pioneer transcription factor PU.1

Veirulíkar agnir sem ónæmisglæðir í ofnæmisvaka sérvirku sumarexemsbóluefni

Elucidating the mechanism of chromatin remodelling by the pioneer transcription factor Sox2

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