Category: Öldrun

Bráður nýrnaskaði á bráðamóttöku: Framsýn, tilfellamiðuð rannsókn

Stroke Impact Scale and community-dwelling stroke survivors

Acetýlsalicýlsýra lækkar dánartíðni sjúklinga með lungnabólgu af völdum Streptococcus pneumoniae

Listir og menning sem hugarefling við alzheimerssjúkdómnum

Absence of Mitf leads to neurodegeneration in aging mice

Dual-Activity Compounds for Acetylcholinesterase and the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor

Impact of a Two-year Exercise Intervention on the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Iceland – Determining Factors for Beneficial Effectiveness

A randomized controlled trial: Nutrition therapy and support after hospital discharge in older adults

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