Category: Geðheilbrigði

Adverse childhood experiences and resilience in adulthood: evidence from the Stress-And-Gene-Analysis Cohort

Heilsa háskólanema í heimsfaraldri: Er kynjamunur á andlegri líðan, hreyfingu, kyrrsetu og svefngæðum?

Andleg, líkamleg og félagsleg vellíðan á tímum COVID-19

Áfallasaga kvenna: Tengsl milli athyglisbrests með/án ofvirkni og áfallastreituröskunar

Psychological Distress among Cancer Patients before and during the COVID -19 Pandemic

Psychological correlates of Cognitive Impairment in Icelandic Breast Cancer Patients

Réttmæti summuskors á GAD-7: Mokken greining

Meta-analysis on the association between PTSD and Cognitive Impairment

Að lifa með minningunum – upplifun foreldra af ferð með barni sínu í hjartaaðgerð erlendis

Did we have enough evidence to describe galantamine as an allosteric modulator of nicotinic receptors?

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