Málstofa: Molecular Biology

Greining á utanfrumuerfðaefni í plasma

Elucidation of novel regulators of the mild hypothermia response

Loss of epigenetic machinery components causes neuronal DNA methylation abnormalities

Lífupplýsingafræðileg leit að genum sem taka þátt í kælisvari spendýrafruma

A multiomics approach to elucidate the mild hypothermia response

An in vitro model of hand osteoarthritis: Method development for transportation and isolation of primary chondrocytes

Abnormalities of the neuro-gliogenic switch in Mendelian disorders of the epigenetic machinery

Synthetic Nanofibrous Membrane for Endothelialization

The role of MITF in DNA double-strand break repair

Molecular and structural effect of Pontin and Reptin at the Neuromuscular Junction

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