Instructions for presenters at the conference
Presenters with oral presentations
- Oral presentations take place in meeting rooms in Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel and will be streamed live. Some guests may also be on site.
- The maximum length of each presentation is 12 minutes and 3 minutes for discussions.
- The programme is very tight, and we ask all presenters to respect the time-limit.
- The session chair keeps the time and monitors digital discussions.
- The conference guests (digital and on site) send their questions digitally and the session chair will read out loud for the presenter.
- Sessions are either in English or Icelandic and the presentation should be in the same language as the respective abstract.
- Download the Power Point template which participants are required to use.
- Please save the file with the first five words in your abstract title. For example: effects_of_lung_disease_on.ppt
- Submission deadline midnight 30 May.
Presenters with micro presentations
- Presenters with micro presentations record their own presentations.
- Presenters are required to use Zoom to record their presentations so all presentations will be of same standard and quality. See Zoom recording instructions..
- Presenters with UI user accounts can download Zoom here.
- The maximum length of micro presentations is 5 minutes and presenters can show 4 slides (one introductory slide and 3 presenting the research).
- Download the Power Point template which participants are required to use.
- The micro presentations should be in the same language as the submitted abstract.
- The micro presentations will be published on the conference website and available for everyone to watch during the conference.
- Participants in the conference will be able to post questions below the micro presentations and presenters should be able to respond. More details later.
- Please save the file with the first five words in your abstract title. For example: effects_of_lung_disease_on.mp4
- Submission deadline midnight 23 May.