A person or a group can request to organize a guest session or workshop for the conference.
- The applicant organizes the entire session which might consist of about 4 oral presentation.
- Maximum length of session is 60 minutes.
- The applicant finds a chairperson for the session.
- The abstracts for the guest session should be submitted through the conference website and
- The abstracts for the guest session should be submitted through the conference website and
- The conference committee decides which guest sessions will be chosen for the conference.
Óskað er eftir tillögum fyrir 22. mars.
Deadline for suggestions is 22nd of March 2021.
Suggestions should send to asavala@hi.is
Examples of guest sessions form previous years
- Workshop organized by Kristján Erlendsson, chair of Science ethic committee: To know or not to know! When should participants in science studies be told about new health related information on themselves?
- Guest session organized by the Association of Public Health Scientists and the Epidemiology- and Biostatistics Association: Community, environment and public health – The update
- Guest session organized by representatives from the Microbiology Department of Landspítali and from Barnaspítali Hringsins: The results from pneumococcal vaccination in Iceland
- Guest session organized by the Association of Public Health Scientists and the Epidemiology- and Biostatistics Association: Sugar consumption in Iceland – Public health threat