Dags.: Mánudagur, 14. október

Optimization of extracellular vesicle isolation using CD81 immunoaffinity capture

Dose sparing effects of mmCT, dmLT and alum on two different vaccines in neonatal mice

Developing dry powder self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems containing antibacterial monoglycerides

Development of N-(2-(N,N,N-Trimethylammoniumyl)acetyl)-chitosan synthesis and its application at forming Chitosan-based nanoparticles for antimicrobial drug delivery

Environmentally friendly activation of silicone surfaces and antimicrobial coating with chitosan biopolymer

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Landslag í lyfjamálum/fjöllyfjameðferð

Phenazine 5,10-dioxides as potent inhibitors of Candida growth

Simvastatin- cyclodextrin complexes in aqueous solutions; challenges and solutions.

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