Category: Lyfjafræði

Isolation and quantification of extracellular vesicles (EVs) from breast epithelial cell lines

Development and Testing of Novel Pediatric Dosage Forms

Innleiðing virkra kennsluhátta í námskeiðinu Líftæknilyf haust 2020

Design of Experiments for Optimization of UPLC-MS/MS Assay – get it right from the beginning

Effect of acidic counterion on the increase of aqueous solubility of dovitinib

Estimation of community drug abuse in the Reykjavik metropolitan area by wastewater-based epidemiology

Æðavíkkandi áhrif aspiríns á æðar úr legi og meltingarvegi í rottum: Rannsókn á meðhöndlun meðgöngueitrunar

UPLC-MS/MS-Based Plasma Assay for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Patients with APRT Deficiency

Bráður nýrnaskaði á bráðamóttöku: Framsýn, tilfellamiðuð rannsókn

Drug development of the phenazine 5,10-dioxide natural products iodinin and myxin into antileukemic candidates

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