Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands 2023

PP2A antagonism and G2/M cell cycle arrest by the maedi-visna virus Vif protein

Stefán Ragnar Jónsson, Adeline M. Luperchio and Daniel M. Salamango

Introduction: The canonical function of lentiviral Vif proteins is to counteract the mutagenic potential of APOBEC3 antiviral restriction factors. However, recent studies have discovered that Vif proteins from diverse HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) isolates degrade cellular B56 phosphoregulators to remodel the host phosphoproteome and induce G2/M cell cycle arrest.
Methods: In this study, we evaluate the conservation of this activity among non-primate lentiviral Vif proteins using fluorescence-based degradation assays and demonstrate that maedi-visna virus (MVV) Vif efficiently degrades all five B56 family members.
Results: Testing an extensive panel of single amino acid substitution mutants revealed that MVV Vif recognizes B56 proteins through a conserved network of electrostatic interactions. Furthermore, experiments using genetic and pharmacologic approaches demonstrate that degradation of B56 proteins requires the cellular cofactor cyclophilin A. Lastly, MVV Vif-mediated depletion of B56 proteins induces a potent G2/M cell cycle arrest phenotype.
Conclusions: Therefore, remodeling of the cellular phosphoproteome and induction of G2/M cell cycle arrest are ancient and conserved functions of lentiviral Vif proteins, which suggests that they are advantageous for lentiviral pathogenesis.


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