Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands 2021

Role of Rhox genes in primordial germ cell specification

Main author: Thejus Venkatesh.
Institution or Company: Biomedical center, University of Iceland.

Co-Author, Institution or Company:
Erna Magnusdottir, Biomedical center, University of Iceland.

Introduction: Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the precursors of gametes. PGC specification is critical during embryonic development, any defects in the process might lead to infertility or developmental abnormalities. Understanding the molecular mechanisms during PGC specification is very important in regards to germ cell development.

Methods: During this project we will be focusing on understanding the transcription factors concerned with PGC specification, particularly Reproductive homeobox genes (Rhox). Rhox genes are predominantly expressed in reproductive tissues including germ cells and are expressed during embryonic development during PGC specification and in germ cells. We anticipate that Rhox genes might have a crucial role in PGC specification during embryonic development. We are specifically assessing the functions of Rhox6 and Rhox5. During this study we will be able to discover the novel roles of the Rhox genes, which might be a significant contribution in the field of germ cell science. Here we are utilizing Rhox6 and Rhox5 Crispr mutants to study their functions during PGC specification by qPCR and Immunostaining, accompanied by the auxin inducible degron system where RHOX6-5 proteins can be depleted in mESCs.

Results: Preliminary data from the lab showed that knocking out Rhox6 in mESCs resulted in spherical round morphology compared to wildtype mESCs. The spherical round morphology observed in Rhox6 mutant mESCs persisted when they were differentiated into epiblast like cells (EpiLCs). Consequently, Rhox6 mutant EpiLCs differentiated into primordial germ cell like cells more efficiently than wild type cells. To conclude, Rhox65 might possibly have a role in PGC specification.


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