Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands 2023

Reviewing birth experience post-partum in primary health care clinics: A study protocol of a feasibilty study

Valgerður Lísa Sigurðardóttir, Ástþóra Kristinsdóttir, Helga Gottfreðsdóttir

Background: In general, women value the opportunity to review their birth experiences, but limited knowledge exists about appropriate interventions and the feasibility of routinely providing such care in primary health care clinics.
Objectives: To describe the protocol of implementing a postpartum midwife-led counselling intervention, to review birth experience in primary health care clinics offered to women/parents.
Method and material: The study is a mixed-method study conducted in primary health care clinics throughout the country where women/parents have the opportunity to review their birth experience with a midwife they already know from antenatal care. All the participating midwives had a special training course before the counselling intervention was implemented. Data including birth outcomes and experience of the intervention will be collected by questionnaires from women/parents. Midwives providing the intervention will participate in focus group interviews to explore their experiences of the implementation. Descriptive and content analysis will be used for analysis.
Findings: The protocol of the study and the training course of the participating midwives will be introduced.
Conclusion: The results will be used to decide whether implementation of such a midwifery counselling is a feasible choice in the primary health care clinics, from the women’s and midwives’ perspective.


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