Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands 2023

Exploring household food security, nutrition knowledge and barriers and enablers to food choice among a small group of adults in Iceland

Brittany Marie Repella, Gréta Jakobsdóttir, Bryndís Eva Brigisdóttir

Food insecurity is defined as limited access to readily and regularly available, nutritionally suitable, culturally appropriate, and safe foods. It can affect all groups, including low-income families, elderly, and vulnerable groups, and is largely dependent on a person’s or household’s income. This study aims to explore food and nutrition knowledge, dietary intakes, food behaviors, and barriers and enablers among respondents categorized as food insecure and secure.

A survey with 32 questions was advertised through a food assistance Facebook page online. The number of participants in the Food Gift Survey (FGS) was 132. Data from Food Insecurity among European University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic was 924 and used for comparison when applicable.

Out of 5620 Facebook group members, 132 completed the FGS. Of these, 20.5% (n=27) were categorized as having some level of food insecurity, 56.8% (n=75) food secure, and 22.7% (n=30) missing. Most respondents were female (83%,n=110), originally from Iceland (86%,n=113), and living in the capital region of Iceland (78%,n=103). FGS respondents’ dietary intakes were far behind those recommended by the Medical Director of Health, partly due to difficulties obtaining fresh fruit and vegetables from their neighborhoods.

This study suggests an opportunity to address food and nutrition knowledge for both food insecure and food secure individuals, particularly for the improvement of dietary intakes and adherence to dietary guidelines. Additionally, updates and improvements to the current food assistance landscape in Iceland are needed, which has been revealed through open-ended responses from the respondents.

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