Líf - og heilbrigðisvísindaráðstefna Háskóla Íslands 2023

“Eat healthy, exercise, and think about social health.” A focus group study on adolescents’ health.

Arna Garðarsdóttir, Sóley Bender and Brynja Örlygsdóttir

Introduction: Studies have shown that upon entering upper secondary school, adolescents’ risk behaviour increases, health behaviour decreases, and mental health deteriorates. To address these changes a new screening tool named HEILUNG is being developed for school nurses to assess and promote adolescents’ health. The purpose of this study was to explore adolescents’ understanding of health for further development of HEILUNG.
Methods: This qualitative study was based on six focus group interviews with adolescents in four upper secondary schools in urban and rural areas in Iceland. The framework method was used for the data analysis.
Results: Six focus groups interviews were conducted, with a total of 31 participants, 16-19 years old, 13 boys and 18 girls. Three themes were identified regarding their understanding of health: Realising the power of mental well-being, the endless cycle of sleep deprivation and ways to feel better. Participants were aware that mental-, physical- and social health was important for balance in life and noted that sufficient sleep, getting information about healthy lifestyle, being able to choose healthy options and having access to mental health services were needed to maintain their well-being. Social media was frequently cited as being distracting.
Conclusions: Although adolescents generally understand what is best for their overall health, they often find it difficult to comply with it. These results support the importance of the questions on HEILUNG that screen for mental, physical and social health of adolescents. Using HEILUNG can provide the platform for guiding adolescents regarding health promotion and their well-being.


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